Online course foot marathon

Foot Fundamentals “Foot Marathon”

Do you suffer from pain in your feet, knees, hips or back every day ?
However, are you tired of this pain limiting you and you finally want to do something about it yourself?

Do you have to stand and walk a lot in everyday life and have the feeling that you have lost the ease of movement?

Do you finally want to learn a way to go through your everyday life with less pain and put on your favorite shoes and go out in style without immediately thinking about the pain again?

Then this course is exactly for you!
This course will help you regain your “new old” light-footedness . Maybe you remember when you were a kid and you didn't care how long you ran. You skipped, jumped, danced and ran until you fell into bed completely tired.

This course will help you restore your light-footedness. You can use the course for a lifetime.
You are not tied to a specific date and can do beneficial and pain-relieving exercises for your feet immediately and at any time.

Just imagine, once you have successfully completed the course, you will be able to do it again
Move through everyday life much more freely, with more freedom of movement and with greater ease!

You can always repeat the exercises until you can do them without any problems.

Did you know that poor foot function can be the main cause of many different ailments affecting the entire musculoskeletal system?
Your feet carry you through everyday life and are connected to your entire body.
Therefore, impaired function of the feet can lead to suffering in the back, hips and knees, etc.

Your health is precious.

You can't buy them, but you can do something for them. Miss Dr. As a foot specialist, Caroline Werkmeister will show you in a medically sensible way how you can improve the function of your foot yourself.
This course is also suitable for people who have a misalignment of the foot such as a fallen arch, splayfoot (flat foot) or hallux valgus or heel pain .
These exercises also help to improve performance in sports.

What can you expect in the online course?

  1. This online course consists of 3 modules, each with 4-6 individual exercises, which will be activated one after the other once you have marked the previous exercise as "completed". So you decide the pace and intensity yourself!

  2. Also included are explanatory videos that will help you carry out all the exercises correctly.

  3. Training plans to download as PDFs, where you will receive a recommendation for the frequency of repetitions and/or the duration of the exercise for each exercise.

  4. Help at any time with questions about the course or beyond

Before you decide to book our course, a note:

Please take some time to reflect on yourself and consider whether any of the points listed apply to you.

The foot marathon is not suitable for you in the following cases:

- Acute inflammation local to the foot or generalized

- if you have recently had surgery or an injury has not yet completely healed

- operations performed on the foot/ankle/leg that resulted in stiffening of one or more joints ("arthrodesis")

- for open areas/wounds on the lower extremities

- established diagnosis of CRPS/M. Sudeck

- severe pain in the musculoskeletal system, the cause of which has not yet been clarified

If there is anything unclear, you should clarify this with your doctor in advance.

This program is a self-learning program; you carry out all the exercises on your own responsibility. It is not medical treatment or advice and does not replace a visit to the doctor.