More and more Germans suffer from hallux

In the article "Do you feel foot pain?" We have said why it is important to choose the right shoes and we have described the most common problems caused by the inappropriate choice of shoes. Now let's look at one of the most uncomfortable and painful problems that can affect your foot. Dear Sir or Madam, we present to you the hallux valgus (hereafter referred to as hallux).

What is hallux?

Hallux, also known as X toe, is a deformity of the toe joint. It affects approximately 23% of the adult population. It manifests as an unsightly hump at the base of the thumb that can be very painful when walking. Everyone already knows how difficult it is for us to choose shoes because they pinch. Genetic predisposition also helps us with hallux. Improper footwear, foot overload and injuries complete the job. It happens that hallux does not hurt. Such a "lack of beauty" is simply ignored. However, this inattention is a double-edged sword, although it does not push us to solve the problem, which can lead to its aggravation.

Hallux is often associated with pathological reconstruction of the entire forefoot and deformities of little fingers - the so-called hammer fingers (digitus hammatus), pain under the heads of the metacarpal bones and others. The deformity affects not only the joints, but also the tendons and attachments - on the outside they lengthen, on the inside they shorten again, thus pulling the thumb inwards. Dislocation of tiny bones under the first metacarpal may occur. It is difficult to ignore such a health problem! It is often the case that we resolve hallux just because of severe pain, but it is too late to deal with ourselves. Then you should see a doctor. But then to that, let's look at how we identify that hallux is bothering us and how we can deal with it ourselves.


The first and most visible manifestation of hallux is the physical presence of a bump at the joint of the big toe. If this noticeable change is not enough, we can expect pain, redness and inflammation at the site of the thumb as other symptoms. Symptoms are made worse by wearing narrow, ill-fitting shoes that press on the hallux and prevent the toes from being in their natural state. In some cases, you may experience burning, tingling, and numbness in your area. If the problem is ignored for a long time, it can escalate to a point where it not only hurts when walking, but causes pathological changes throughout the forefoot (as mentioned above). Therefore, these symptoms are reluctant to ignore, and the hallux problem needs to be resolved as soon as possible before we can treat it ourselves without the need for any medical intervention. This is where all the fun ends. So how about Hallux?

What's the Best Way to Treat Hallux Problems?

First of all, it is important to focus on choosing the right shoes. For prevention, as long as the hallux problem does not bother us, and as a first step in treatment if it has already occurred. Shoes must have enough space at the front to allow the toes to spread out in their natural position and move freely as you walk. Barefoot from the Be Lenka workshop are also such shoes. They have a wide enough front piece that gives your legs the comfort they deserve.

You can try toe bandages, or correctors worn during sleep. Correction pads and thumb abductors are also available in the market. If you really want to help your feet, you need to include exercise here as well.

However, it should be emphasized that these tools do not eliminate the deformity of the foot itself, but rather delay the deterioration and development of the disease and relieve you of pain.

Exercises for a healthy foot

You can also train at home, it's not difficult and it takes a few minutes a day. Try these exercises:

  • For this exercise you will need a golf/tennis or hedgehog ball - with the acupressure protrusions (available at any sporting goods store). Put the ball under your foot and roll your feet over the ball along its entire length. The toes are active, stretch them apart, try to "hug" the ball with them
  • Sit comfortably in a chair and grasp your foot by braiding your toes on your hand between your toes on your leg. In this position, flex your fingers back and forth. Repeat 5-10 times
  • You can use 3 plastic bottle caps to make sure the foot is attached properly. Place one cap under the major joint under the thumb, the other under the little finger joint, and the third under the outside edge of the heel. Stand like this for as long as possible and switch legs.
  • Take a thicker rubber band and secure it with your toes. Adjust the width of the elastic so that it is taut but not pulling. Alternately pull your legs apart and toward you so you can feel the pull on your toes. Exercise for a minute, rest for a while. This exercise is most effective if you train 2-3 times a day in a 15-minute series

Do you see it working? It's not difficult or time consuming. You too can do something for your feet from the comfort of your own home.

If only a doctor could help

As mentioned earlier, proper shoes, exercise or corrective aids (you can also try kineziotaping) can reduce pain and slow health deterioration. However, sometimes these tricks lack hallux. Pain with every step, deformed foot, problems wearing shoes? In some cases, a person can no longer avoid surgery. This is the only way to ensure a return to normal life and pain-free walking. Those for whom evil hallux complicates life know their way around.


There are over 100 ways to have hallux surgery. If you decide at the outset to surgically remove your hallux, you can expect a relatively simple surgical procedure. Through the small incision in the foot, the growth is removed or part of the ligament is moved so that the bent toe is straightened. The balance of the muscles in the leg will return to normal. However, if the hallux is advanced and carries the deformity of the entire foot, more extensive surgery is required to remove the deformity. At this stage of foot reconstruction, you typically avoid screws, wires, or leg braces that fix the displaced muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the "old-new" position. The surgical procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia


You can also count on plaster of paris, a ban on loading the foot, and a longer PN (the length of incapacity depends on the scope of the operation and the overall course of recovery). Before you can return to normal life, a round of rehabilitation awaits you. Rehabilitation and the right intervention method are key to the end result. If a person thinks that the operation was enough and that the care of the foot ends with it, then you may be mistaken and the hallux may return. Who would want to do it again? Definitely nobody

hallux? No Please

A crooked toe is really no fun. This problem affects up to 23% of the adult population! Wow, that's really not a small number. Is it preventable? As previously mentioned, genetic predisposition is the determining factor in the development of hallux. Bad shoes, foot injuries or overuse are secondary factors. Together they form a time bomb that usually results in the need for surgery. Healthy shoes, exercise and the right stereotype of walking should be a matter of course, not only if you have halluxia in the family. You can avoid this, or at least delay the formation of a curled thumb. Haven't you noticed that yet? Well, it's never too late to take care of your health

Barefoot as a precaution

Have you thought more carefully about what the right walking stereotype means? Most people don't walk properly. It leans the body forward, the head goes first, and all the weight falls on the heel as you step on it. This false stereotype is based on the wrong choice of shoes - heels and soft insoles. Such a gait not only has a negative effect on the body as a whole, but also affects the entire posture and can lead to back problems. Barefoot shoes help adopt the correct stereotype of walking - stepping across the front of the foot. Among other things, barefoot shoes offer enough space for the toes so that they are in their natural position and cannot be pushed from the sides. Involving the entire foot in walking has a positive effect on the health of not only the lower extremities, but the health of the entire body. In this article you will learn more about the positive health effects of barefoot shoes.

Investing in barefoot shoes is an investment in health. With barefoot shoes from the Be Lenka workshop, your feet are not only in walking comfort and well-being, but also look original and stylish. Who says wearing healthy shoes has to be boring and styleless?

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