your back hurts? Change your shoes!

Is there anyone who has never had back pain? In this sedentary period doubting is probably utterly useless. We sit most of our day whether we like it or not. In the car, at work, at lunch, at a meeting, at dinner, at a movie. But what if the problem isn't lack of exercise? What would you say if it finally helps us change something as fundamental as shoes?

Like any house, our body should stand on solid foundations, otherwise it will begin to collapse and gradually deviate from its axis. However, solid foundations do not mean solid shoes that hold us artificially and limit our natural movement. The emphasis is on having strong and stable muscles in the feet and ankles from which everything else derives. Stability and position of the knees, hip joints, pelvis or spine

Going barefoot is better than a painkiller

Let's take a closer look. A person is born barefoot, but as soon as we learn to walk, our feet are immediately in shoes. And suddenly it's after evolution. The foot, instead of growing, developing and gaining strength, is suppressed from an early age in inappropriate footwear. However, a hard sole, a narrower tip, or possibly a heel are by no means what assures us of stability and strength of the entire body. However, our feet need exactly the opposite. Freedom and many impulses that stimulate and strengthen you at the same time. According to many experts, this is an important condition for minimizing muscle imbalance and the subsequent incorrect position of the joints throughout the body, including the spine

When we walk barefoot we walk differently, we take shorter steps, we step on our heels much softer with more bent knees, for example when we walk on the beach. Then we engage the outer edge of the foot and then gently step on the toes, which are fully incorporated, and move forward with all our might. With classic footwear, the foot doesn't work at all, so we have to engage the whole leg. 

Barefoot shoes - freedom of form, looseness, joy

Going barefoot in today's urban conditions is, let's face it, a bit complicated. Therefore, many people reach for barefoot shoes that simulate such barefoot walking. What distinguishes them most from the usual conventional shoes.

Wide tip

The barefoot shoe does not pinch the toes in any way and does not restrict their movement. It offers maximum comfort and freedom for all fingers, including the little finger.

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