Do you feel foot pain? What is causing it and what can help.

In the past, people walked barefoot, winter, winter, drought, rain. Today we can hardly imagine it. And it's even harder to walk down the street and look longingly at shoe windows and not admire all the design and modern pieces we all wish we had at home. Unfortunately, we often prefer quantity over quality.

Why does my foot hurt?

Poor quality, cheap shoes (especially when we have as many fashionable pairs in the shoebox as possible, right?) can make a real mess. Do you suffer from back pain? Foot pain? Hallux? Constantly recurring bruises or a problem with nails and mycoses? Have you tried this and that but can't get rid of it? Incorrectly selected or poor-quality footwear is responsible for many health problems. Let's take a closer look at the problems that can arise if we do not pay enough attention to the choice of shoes.

Places where the foot hurts

The foot is a small mechanical miracle. It consists of 26 cubes, 30 joints and more than 100 muscles, attachments and tendons. They all work together so they can take us anywhere. Astonishing? The pain can affect any part of the foot. Heel pain, arches of the feet can hurt, there can be pain in the toes, feet from the bottom or even back pain due to a foot problem! We can feel pain when walking, but also at rest. It may be mild, but it can escalate to the point where every step will suffer. What are the problems and what should be taken into account?

Immediate warning signals - short-term effects

Problems that cause foot pain and occur almost immediately after wearing inferior and ill-fitting shoes. They serve as a warning finger that something is wrong and something has gone wrong. Which are they?


Impression (callus) occurs in response to long-term mechanical effects (friction and pressure) on the skin. When the skin of the foot rubs against a narrow or small shoe, irritation and inflammation occur. The skin becomes red, swollen, sore and eventually a watery blister forms on the spot - a bruise. Although this may not seem to be the case, the purpose of the pressure is to protect the skin from further mechanical damage. However, because the foot is interwoven with a number of nerve endings (only the lips and toes of the fingers have more), the bruises tend to be painful and very uncomfortable. Fortunately, bruising can be successfully avoided. It is important to keep your foot dry and therefore choose shoes that breathe. Last but not least, the appropriate shoe size must be chosen to avoid unnecessary friction.

Corn eyes

The corn (clavus) is a limited thickening of the skin with a centrally highlighted deposit of hardened dry skin. They arise from the long-term effect of pressure on the bone or joint in the leg. Corns, like bruises, are intended to protect the affected area of ​​the foot from further mechanical damage. Corns can be hard or soft, but as long as they are between the toes they can also become wet. Sometimes they can even contain blood capillaries and nerve endings. Then they can be particularly sensitive and it is not so easy to get rid of them. Behind the corns we can look for shoes that put excessive pressure on the skin in certain areas or, conversely, behind shoes that are too loose, do not hold the foot, and therefore the foot "floats" in them and rubs.

Ingrown nails

The nightmare of everyone who has already dealt with this is overgrown nails. Overgrown toenails (onychocryposis) are one of the most common foot problems. The main cause is very tight shoes, a small number of shoes (which put pressure on the front of the nail) in combination with the wrong technique of nail trimming. Do you really want a shoe model but don't have your number there? Were you told at the shoe store that the shoe would stretch? And this is where the problem arises. Allow the untreated, overgrown fabric to ignite unsightly, mold can also join in (more on that later in this article), and you'll have no choice but to entrust the problem to the surgeon. Ow. How do I avoid this? Pay attention to the choice of shoes, choose the right number and treat yourself to a high-quality pedicure even at home. Do not cut your toenails too short and always keep them straight.

Mycoses - onchomycosis and athletic foot

As we have already mentioned with nail problems, the shape is also often associated with the ingrown nail itself. Nail mycosis (onchomycosis) is a chronic infection caused by microscopic fungi. It is treated locally. Mycosis affects an average of 2-8% of people.

Mycosis of the skin of the feet, so-called athletic foot, is also caused by fungi. These attack the skin on the feet, especially in the folds between the toes. From there they can spread to the nails and hands.

Fungal diseases are accompanied by burning itching. Fortunately, it responds well to treatment, making it relatively easy to get rid of. However, it should be noted that fungal diseases tend to return.

The moist environment is a breeding ground for mold. If you want to avoid these, make sure your shoes are breathable and ventilate them regularly. Mechanical damage to the feet, ingrown toenails and open wounds are also a gateway for infections and fungi. So choose shoes that fit you, your foot doesn't rub against them and you can breathe. Also pay attention to saunas, public showers and swimming pools. Always wear safety shoes.

If warning signals are ignored - long-term effects

"If these pumps are so nice, the bruises will heal." "They are tight now, but they will spread over time.", "These are uncomfortable, but when I have such beautiful legs in them..." that I'm sure you've said this several times. However, if we ignore the above warning signs for a long time, we can turn out to be much worse. How? Please read on.

Fallen arch of the foot

Correctly formed longitudinal and transverse arches perfectly copy the terrain on which we walk, informing about its structure and irregularities of the central nervous system. If the transverse or longitudinal arch is dropped, it does not fulfill its function 100% and also causes pain and discomfort. Muscles and tendons are held together by the bow. We are genetically adapted to walk barefoot on a hard, uneven surface and put even strain on muscles and tendons. However, since most people today walk in tight shoes, which often have a solid foot support (insole with a raised arch) and on a flat surface, the foot is not loaded evenly and its individual parts are overloaded (e.g. the toe area in high-heeled shoes ) and problems are in the world. Uneven load on the foot, overload of the muscles in the back of the leg and the Achilles tendon lead to a descent of the arch of the foot. All this and more thanks to inappropriate footwear.

Hallux valgus - arched thumb and hammer finger

Hallux is a deformity of the toe joint. Surely you have noticed that some people have some kind of extension at the base of the toe-thumb, or rather the little finger, perhaps the thumb is bent towards the other fingers. This joint damage occurs when shoes with a narrow toe are worn, where the thumb cannot be in its natural position and is pushed inwards. Hallux can also occur when the arch of the foot is lowered. Genetic susceptibility also plays a role. Footwear, overuse or injuries make up the rest. Untreated hallux leads to deformation of the toes (hammer toes - digitus hammatus) and pathological foot reconstruction.

Hallux is cured non-surgically with various protective inserts, foot bandages and big toe orthosis. Unfortunately, in many cases hallux is painful and must be surgically removed. The healing is quite long-term and not very pleasant. Hallux can be relatively successfully avoided by choosing shoes that do not squeeze the toes and offer them enough space to move freely.

Heel spurs and humps on the heel

Does it seem to you that every step you take is like stepping on a pile of needles? Do you have pain on the surface of the heel or on the inner edge? Does the pain hinder you when you walk, do sports, or even when you are idle at night? A heel spur can bother you. What is it? The heel spur is a bone growth on the heel that occurs due to the tension of the tissues attached to this protrusion. Heel spurs bother 15% of people (mostly middle-aged). What's behind it? Repeated and long-term foot strain, unsuitable footwear, foot deformities, injuries or rheumatic diseases. The heel head is usually treated conservatively - with physiotherapy, local injections of corticosteroids, ultrasound or laser.

The heel bump is a common problem, especially in teenagers who have not yet completed the development of the bones in the foot. The pressure and friction of the "immature" bone of the heel causes excessive production of bone tissue and thus a bump is formed on the heel. Usually, behind this problem you have to look for a problem with a flat foot or wearing high heels at an early age.

Back pain and poor posture

There can be various things hiding behind the back pain. Poorly selected shoes can be one of the reasons why your back hurts. High-heeled shoes in particular overload the lumbar part of the spine and thus affect posture. If your back hurts, do not hesitate to consult a doctor or a good physiotherapist. There is nothing worse than when pain prevents you from living fully and enjoying everyday pleasures.

Joint pain

Prolonged overloading of the feet with incorrect and poor-quality footwear can lead to arthritis and knee pain. Especially when we bother our feet by wearing extra high heels for a long time. Legs in high-heeled pumps look sexy, but is it worth risking our health? We only have one health. We're not saying you have to give up your nice shoes forever, but you do need to consider when and how many you'll wear them, and balance their wear with the right, ideally barefoot, shoes. Balance must be sought in everything.

It is necessary to solve the problems at the initial stage

If any of the above problems bother you, it's time to solve it "literally from the ground up." And by buying the right, high-quality shoes. Here, more than anywhere else, the rule applies that the problem must be solved at the beginning before it turns into something more serious. So if the shoes always put pressure on you, they are not suitable for your foot and it is better to look for another pair. It is also important to exercise with your foot if you suffer from bunions, sagging arches, or pain in your foot or spine. Consult a good physical therapist who will look at your leg and suggest the right exercises. A "dead" leg that has suffered in bad shoes for a long time does not help at all. It must be combined with exercise. If you have problems with bruising, corns or mycosis, consult a doctor or seek advice from a pharmacy. Don't be ashamed to solve your problems with experts.

Barefoot as prevention

As mentioned above, a person is genetically adapted to walk barefoot with equal weight on the entire foot and leg. Standard shoes cannot ensure this due to the thickness of the sole, the arch-supporting lining or the heel. Fortunately, barefoot shoes that perfectly mimic walking barefoot are becoming increasingly popular. Are you wondering what barefoot is and what features these shoes have?

Barefoot is a completely different type of shoe than regular shoes. They differ in particular in the following points:

  • The sole is flexible and very thin, the thickness does not exceed 6 mm. Such a sole ensures contact with the feet on the surface, i.e. H. She imitates walking barefoot.
  • Zero drop, that means zero difference between heel and toe
  • Wide toe that offers enough space for the foot. The shoe must not exactly copy the contour of the foot.
  • Barefoot shoes are light and have no arch

And what health benefits do barefoot shoes bring?

  • Strengthened muscles and strong, healthy legs
  • Helps relieve pain
  • Mental well-being and joy
  • Stimulation of the nerve endings in the foot
  • Improves balance

Be Lenka barefoot shoes

It all started with the straps and slings for children and continues with barefoot shoes. Lenka from Žilina simply knows what is good and useful for people and she wants to offer it to them. Be Lenka barefoot shoes are sewn from high-quality leather (in its range there are also shoes that vegans will appreciate), which adapt perfectly to any foot. The inside of the shoes is made of cotton, the sole is made of highly resistant rubber, which is also incredibly flexible and flexible. The shoes are elongated in the front part and provide an ideal place for the toes so that they are in their natural position and cannot be pressed from one side. Turning on the shoes is very quick and easy. You don't have to adjust and fasten the shoes every time you put them on. The fastening buckle has an adjustable width that can be adjusted exactly as needed and includes a built-in elastic band that stretches/retracts effectively. So when you put your shoe back on, all you have to do is insert your foot into the already buttoned shoe, as the elastic stretches as you put it on and then holds your foot well in the shoe. In the current offer, Be Lenka also has winter barefoot shoes that will perfectly warm you with Merino, keep your foot dry and at the same time look great, stylish and original! What more do you want?

Our feet carry us all day long, thanks to them we get where we want or need. Your health affects our entire being. If our legs are uncomfortable and messy, we can expect it to be reflected elsewhere. That is why we must take care of the health of our feet, give them the care and comfort they deserve and they will repay us by carrying us around the world without pain and with joy.

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